Favorite Pop-A-Note: “Einstein Meets Frankenstein”
Favorite Pop-A-Note: “Amelia Earhart's Plane Found?”
Favorite Pop-A-Note: “Airport Cheerleaders”
Favorite Pop-A-Note: “Bacon”
Favorite Pop-A-Note: “Cows on Waterbeds”
Pop-a-note is an effective, effortless and fun way for industry professionals to stay social and top-of-mind with clients and grow your referral business.
With this automated email marketing campaign there is no more worrying about keeping in touch with your sphere or sending the same, old messaging.
Pop-a-note offers hundreds of professionally written conversation-starter emails, fun facts and interesting tidbits of information that your clients will love to receive, all branded with your name, photo and contact information. It’s the easiest way to keep in touch without repeated sales pitches or the usual clichéd marketing materials.
Pop-a-Note offers brief but interesting, timely or just plain fun notes that will instantly intrigue your subscribers without trying to “sell them.” Pop-a-Note’s non-real estate specific topics have a broad, general interest that will get them opening your messages, and as a result, position you as the welcome source of the information.
The best part? Results. Pop-a-Notes will get people engaged, give them something to talk about and as a result showcase you as the natural go-to source for business when they or someone they know needs help with their real estate goals.
Simply choose a fun fact email, select when to send it and which contacts or groups you'd like to send it to - and we take it from there! Or, choose an auto-send plan and as the saying goes, just set it and forget it. Either way, you’ll get replies and results. It’s just that simple.
Professionally written, interesting conversation starters, automatic delivery, branded to you. YOU get the replies, and more importantly, the RESULTS!
Pop-a-Note is brought to you by RISMedia. Trust your real estate content and communications needs to RISMedia, the leader in real estate news and information that you’ve trusted for more than 30 years.